We are a small, but expanding, friendly group of local Activists who meet at least once a month to discuss our local Green agenda. This can be campaigning on environmental issues, housing, education, transport, waste and recycling – there is always plenty to talk about and get involved in.
If you would like to join in, let Ruth know – all the info is in our Contact page.
We often have street stalls to promote our policies – particularly when elections loom – and we always need help with those and leaflet distribution.
The current three-tier system of local government in Devon is not perfect. There is some overlap of responsibilities, and the division of duties between councils can lead to confusion over accountability and low public engagement. Abolishing one tier of local government, as Westminster is seeking to do, may present opportunities to simplify and to improve… Read more: English devolution and Labour’s planned reform of local government
Torridge district councillors last week rejected a proposal to increase the amount of plant-based food served by the council at its internal meetings and events
We’re sad that the motion proposed by the Green Party’s Cllr Huw Thomas (Bideford East) to change the voting system in English local elections to PR failed at the full council meeting of Torridge District Council in Bideford on 8 April
TORRIDGE DISTRICT COUNCILBIDEFORD NORTH BY-ELECTION 2nd May 2024 John Puddy, your Green Party candidate, was apprenticed as an engineer with EMI and later moved to marine engineering. In 1982 he installed the first stand-alone wind turbine in England on Lundy. John was employed as the Island Agent for 14 years, helped set up the first… Read more: Bideford North By-Election May 2nd 2024