Green Party Info May


We stood in all five of Torridge’s County Council seats.   Last time we only stood in three.   Our share of the vote rainged from 7.6% in Northam to 11.3% in Bideford East.   This is a significant increase in our share despite being unable to do door to door canvassing or our usual “tables in High Streets” which helps our visability.

Thank you to everyone who put up stake boards or put posters in their windows.   We will build on this for the District Council in two years time where we hope to add to our two current seats.

On Devon County Council we now have two Green Councillors – Broadclyst and Totnes and Dartington.   

As you may have seen, there are now 183 Green Councillors around the country, up from 84, including an amazing result in Bristol where the Green Party now hold 24 seats, equal with Labour, with the Conservatives on 14 and the Lib Dems on 8.   Once we begin to win seats we not only hold them but add to them all around the country.

We will have a pitch at the Torrington Car Boot sale held at the Old Bowling Green which is just as you come into Torrington from Bideford at the top of the hill on the left.   We welcome donations of books, CDs and DVDs as well as saleable bric a brac.   You can bring them  to Fairlight, Torridge View, EX38 8DN beforehand and leave them in the porch or bring donations along on the day.   We will be setting up at 7.30 am and will stay till around 11 am.   Alternatively, contact me by email and we can collect.   We also hope to use this as a opportunity to recruit new members.

A new shop has opened in Torrington selling food, cleaning materials etc.    Bring your own containers and reduce your plastic use.   It is in South Street opposite the Co-op.   Let me know if you are aware of similar green initiatives so I can draw your attention to them

The next meeting for members will be on Zoom (hopefully for the last time before we resume face to face meetings) next Sunday, 16th May at 4pm

Ruth Funnell, Secretary of Torridge Greens

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