Extra News, COP 26 & Big Green Week



Stitches for Survival 1.5 Mile Blanket:

This is being created in blue and green to represent the 1.5 degrees of global warming which we must not exceed. North Devon have been contributing and all the sections will be joined together for the COP 26 conference.

Probably there will be a lot more than 1.5 miles of it as so many places are contributing.

On Sunday, 26th there will be a picnic from 12 midday at Victoria Park and the section – green and blue for the planet – will be displayed on the railings in front of the Burton Art Gallery.

Fossil fuels and banks:

XR will be “cleaning” Barclays in Barnstaple on Saturday October 2nd from 10 am to 12 midday.


Mass Insect die in:


North Devon and Torridge Climate Forum:

This takes place on Zoom on Saturday 25th September from 10 to 12.30 pm. The Speakers will be Dr Diana Mortimer and Andy Bell.
Dr Diana Mortimer will talk on:
‘The Value of Biodiversity: What it Means for us Now and in the Future.’

Diana is the former Head of the Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Team at the Joint Nature Conservation Committee and has worked in nature conservation for 25 years. She was a major contributor to the Dasgupta Review on the Economics of Biodiversity. She has lately focussed on international processes such as the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) having led for the UK on several of their assessments.

Andy Bell will talk on:
‘The Nature Recovery Plans of the North Devon Biosphere Reserve’

Andy is the Director of the North Devon UNESCO Biosphere Reserve and is responsible for its development. He has a strong experience of working with intergovernmental, government and NGO sectors.


Register in advance for this meeting:


On Sunday 3rd October come to a Green Gathering at Cathrine and John’s house, Church Lane Cottage, Church Lane in Torrington from 12.30 pm to around 4.30 pm. It will be a bring and share and Cathrine will have a sales table to raise some funds..

Come early, come late, stay as long as you can and bring a friend.

Divestment from fossil fuels by Peninsula Pensions:

There was a meeting of the Peninsula Pensions Committee who pay local government staff pensions in Devon and Cornwall last week and campaigners camped at county Hall on Wednesday and Thursday and demonstrated the need to divest from fossil fuels. This makes economic sense as well as planetary sense as fossil fuel investments are more likely to go down in value from now on. The pressure is on to divest in the next year Oxfordshire and other County Councils have already done it.

The pensions are also invested in coca cola , one of the Dirty Dozen listed by Surfers Against Sewage as the companies responsible for two thirds of the UKs’ plastic and packaging pollution. The other companies are Pepsico, Macdonalds, Heinekin, Mondelez International, Carlsberg, Suntory, Haribo, Mars, Tesco, Aldi and ABInBeu.


Women’s Institute Handbook:

This has been produced to help local Institutes campaign in the run up to COP 27.

Chris Jordan’s funeral:

This was held on Wednesday 14th in a full church in Westward Ho!. It was a great celebration of his life and the Vicar “ordered” us all to join in with “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life” heralding a wonderful whistling.

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