Shop 4 Good

With the United Nations Global Climate Change Conference being held in Glasgow from October 31 to November 12, a group of Devon councils and charities are launching a new Shop4Good campaign, aimed at showing ways to shop smarter and help tackle the climate crisis.

As Black Friday and Christmas are approaching, as well as the global climate summit in Glasgow, the Shop4good campaign aims to promote ten ways to shop that reduce CO2 emissions and increase wellbeing.

The campaign follows new research that shows consumer interest in sustainability has increased significantly since the pandemic, and suggests consumer buying power may be doing more to help the climate than governments.

Shop4Good runs from Saturday, October 30, to Saturday, November 13, in parallel with COP26.

The councils taking part are North Devon, Torridge, South Hams and West Devon along with charities 361 Energy, Plastic Free North Devon, Resurgence Trust, North Devon Biosphere and Totnes Climate Change Response Centre. All working in partnership with Bideford-based Carbon Savvy.

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