John Puddy, your Green Party candidate, was apprenticed as an engineer with EMI and later moved to marine engineering. In 1982 he installed the first stand-alone wind turbine in England on Lundy. John was employed as the Island Agent for 14 years, helped set up the first statutory UK marine nature reserve and brought MS Oldenburg to Bideford.
He then became Director of Amber Foundation supporting unemployed young people and later Director of Greenpower delivering STEM projects in after-school clubs. In 2010 he saved the SS Freshspring from breaking, set up the Steamship Freshspring Society to preserve the ship as a heritage and educational resource; he remains chair of the charity. Recently John has worked to gain Heritage Harbour status for the River Torridge.

Jack Gordon, your Green Party candidate, moved to Bideford in 2020. He previously spent time in Southern China teaching at one of the first forest kindergartens and then moved to Bali to build educational programmes at a leading international school that advocates sustainable development. Jack currently works for several schools in the Bideford area and as a woodworking coach to adults with special educational needs.
Jack loves exploring the countryside on foot or by bike. In China and Bali he witnessed the environmental damage caused by unrestrained and poorly planned development and wishes to help Torridge preserve its unique beauty. Jack has fallen in love with Bideford and is keen to support a sustainable future for the town.

These two by-elections are due to the death of Peter Christie in February 2024. Peter served his community as a Green Party councillor for over 40 years. He was Britain’s first Green Party Mayor and youngest ever Mayor of Bideford. Peter was first elected to Bideford Town Council in 1983 and became Mayor for the first time in 1985, a post he filled on a further three occasions.
In 1991 he was also elected to Torridge District Council; he became chairman in 2014. Peter co-founded a local nature reserve, set up a scheme to help local businesses and promoted many environmental issues. He was also a trustee of the Bideford Bridge Trust and North Devon Maritime Museum and chair of the North Devon Athenaeum.
John Puddy (Green Party District Council candidate) and Jack Gordon (Green Party Town Council candidate) aim to continue Peter Christie’s legacy and are committed to :
• action against climate change
• support for nature recovery and biodiversity
• public ownership/control of essential services
• building partnerships with community groups
Investment in public services saves money by reducing health and social problems. Reliance on fossil fuels is driving the cost of living crisis.
Community-led Planning Protect local identity and greenspace between communities and increase access to public transport. Ensure essential services and infrastructure are provided alongside new housing.
More Affordable Housing Build the right homes in the right place at the right price, including social housing for local people.
Reduction of Pollution and Waste Pursue cessation of sewage/effluent discharges into sea/water courses. Promote more reuse and more effective recycling.
Transition to a Green Economy Encourage sustainable development for local enterprises and more renewable energy. Work with farmers on best practice for food production and the environment.
Protection of Leisure Facilities Ensure leisure and cultural centres offer a full programme of activities. Expand cycle and footpath networks across the area and make then safer to use.
If you want a fairer, more equal society that puts people and planet first then
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